Interesting essay!

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In your first essay you write about techne which is equivalent to the left-brained power and control seeking paradigm described in great detail by Iain McGilchrist in his book The Master & His Emissary.

The paradigm created by the Emisarry now patterns and controls all of human culture.

Iain (unsuccessfully) attempts to remedy the situation in his newer trilogy The Matter With Things. You cant think your way out of the trap.!

Furthermore teenagers do not have the necessary emotional and intellectual maturity to exercise what you are calling for in your last paragraph.

Check out the new book featured at this reference http://www.roughtype.com - and his previous books too, especially The Shallows

Indeed it could be said that huge numbers of adult do not have the necessary maturity to do so too. Witness the millions of dreadfully sane American's who are fully paid up subscribers to a cult created by a religiously and culturally illiterate nihilistic barbarian - I am of course referring to the MAGA cult.

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Yes! Regardless of cults or religions, it's undeniable that many adults have their own pathological relationships with digital. This leaves them with little digital wisdom to impart and makes the contextual chasm even more insidious. Kids see adults using digital as much as they do, so they wonder: what's the problem?

The difference is that adults at least have *some* pre-digital foundation capable of grounding larger notions of finitude and transcendence, even if only subconsciously. Without that foundation, digital natives risk precluding themselves forever from accessing larger conceptions of what life can be.

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